We now have a Delivery button (in the blue navigation bar near the top of the screen) where you'll find a list of zip codes, businesses, and surrounding communities around Fort Collins to which we make deliveries. Remember that the list is not comprehensive, and call with specific inquiries about making deliveries.
Our Weddings button (in the blue navigation bar) takes you directly to our wedding website, which was created back in February. Feel free to browse all the fantastic information there!
There's now a Blog button (in the blue navigation bar) that takes you directly to this blog, Floral Notes, from our general website.
We've added a scrolling feature for some of our products on our home page. Down below in a box, you'll still see two or three Deals of the Week, featured products that we've marked specifically for this week, but above that, you'll also see a slideshow with several other arrangements, plants, and dish gardens. The pictures move through one at a time, but you can use the arrows on either side to go backward or forward and see the previous picture or the next one in the show.
Our announcements, which used to be centered near the top of our home page, are now in a column on the right side of the product slideshow on the home page. We hope this change makes for easier reading for you!
We've also added a product category (in the green navigation box on the left side of your screen) under the Shop by Product label that is specifically for dish gardens. (Click here to access that page directly.)
Our color scheme is updated, with the blue navigation bar at the top and the green navigation box on the left side of the screen, to make it easier for you to find what you're looking for.
Finally, the bottom of the home page has a couple of paragraphs of information about Paul Wood Florist, along with our physical (mailing) address and phone numbers, and several links on the left side that are full of helpful information about plant and flower care and types.
Please feel free to let us know what you think, or if you have any questions!
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Please note that this blog is not intended to be used to order arrangements or flowers. If you have an order for Paul Wood Florist, please visit our website at www.paulwoodflorist.com or email us at orders@paulwoodflorist.com.