Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Interested in Classes at Paul Wood Florist? Take Our Poll!

For about the next two weeks, on the right side of the screen in this blog, you'll see a question about classes you might be interested in taking sometime from Paul Wood Florist.* We want to invite you to select an answer from the three options below that question and then click the "Vote" button at the bottom of the poll.

If you, personally, wouldn't be interested in a class, but you know someone who might, let them know about the poll, or vote on their behalf. (If your wife is interested in floral design, for instance, and you're looking for a gift idea for her for an upcoming birthday, anniversary, or other holiday, a class with Paul Wood Florist might be just the thing to keep in mind!)

The poll will be available until Friday, April 18, at 11:59 p.m., so you have some time to get your vote counted before then. The poll has a count-down feature (currently, it says "Days left to vote: 16") so you can keep track.

If you have questions or other ideas for classes, then by all means please contact us at Paul Wood Florist in Old Town Fort Collins at our general website, here, or by phone at 970.482.9121, and mention the poll on our blog in your call or email. We'll be happy to take suggestions!*

*Disclaimer: The manager and designers at Paul Wood Florist reserve the right to make the final decision about which classes will be offered and when those classes will take place. However, your feedback and questions are greatly appreciated as we work to provide you with the best experience with a florist possible!

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Please note that this blog is not intended to be used to order arrangements or flowers. If you have an order for Paul Wood Florist, please visit our website at or email us at